Android · games

Brief Thoughts on Gods Wars: Shadow of the Death

Gods Wars 555
Gods Wars 555

Been playing this today. It’s oddly more fun than a lot of the other mobile RPG games (notably the KRPG ones like the Inotia and Zenonia series). There’s actually a lot of things this game does well! Here are some examples:

  • NO IN-APP PURCHASE OPTION. Everything is already available to you when you purchase the game so yes, this means that you DON’T have crappy, puny, extremely limited inventory space.
  • Enemies actually give decent amount of EXP so you level up pretty fast. The downside is that every enemy is kind of tough. 😛 But at least, even with memory hacking, you don’t NEED to pump in a lot of points into strength or defense to survive. (There’s still grinding though. :/)
  • Item and equipment drops MAKE SENSE as they actually match the level of the current area. In games like Inotia 4, you can get level 20 equipment for a level 50 character while fighting in a level 50+ zone. >_>
  • I also think that it may not be possible to fail in creating new things with the combining option. I could be wrong though. Still, since materials are easy to come by, selling synthesized goods becomes a decent way to make money.
  • There’s a flight system that lets you zoom around quickly between areas. The Inotia games can SERIOUSLY use something like this.
  • When entering a new area, the load screen tells you the recommended level. This game doesn’t show you the levels of the enemies so this is a welcome bit of information.

Oh yeah, Gods Wars deserves bonus points for its hilarious Engrish localization. It’s not your standard Google Translate script; I’m pretty sure it was a live person that did it. ^^

The only things I don’t really like about it are the fact that there’s a wee bit of slow down in the red forest area and the apparent inability to scroll/select anything other than the first item in the Enhance and Enchant menus. :/ There’s also the issue that it’s way too easy to accidentally sell something due to the over-sensitivity when you tap on inventory items. It’s actually sort of strange how the game alternates between the virtual d-pad for battles and actual touchscreen controls in the menus.

Edit: I discovered that the, uh, touch position that triggers the cursor to go up and down in the Enhance, etc. was just off.

Android · games · iOS

Gaming fun~!

Just a quick post about some games I’ve been playing lately.



So. Much. Grinding. But the game is pretty fun since I love these matching tiles games. Currently at Adventurer or whatever rank. Having a hell of a time trying to move beyond that since I can’t complete most of the quests/missions or whatever. ^^ I think this is honestly one of my fave iOS games of the year so far.

Symphony of Eternity


Haven’t played this in ages but decided to pick it up again since I always found that it was a pain to keep up the stock on recovery items and mastering tablets was insanely annoying due to the low amounts of TP given by enemies. It follows the old RPG staple of grinding but I found a way to get around that. Muhuhu. I’m still fighting every enemy I encounter. Hell, I deliberately run into them sometimes but I no longer do it for money or TP which makes the game more fun for me~!



A.k.a. 星葬ドラグニル The only thing that’s interesting about this is the battle system — It has you controlling a dragon and the actions you take in battle are determined by where you move the reins/chains that are found at the bottom of the screen. (You slide them left or right.) There’s a command bar thing (never did bother checking on its actual name XD) at the top and a little arrow that indicates what action will occur. If the arrow ends up in the red zone on the right-most side of the command bar thing , you lose control of the dragon and it turns on you. 😦 Other than that, reviews state that it’s a pretty standard RPG fare … except for the freemium aspect.  The Prologue/1st chapter is free but subsequent chapters require in-app purchases.  You can also obtain all chapters for the wonderful price of 1800 yen. (I’m being sarcastic about the wonderful. It’s Square Enix, after all. :E) There’s also some items you can purchase that help battles in some way or something.

BTW, about the girl, Quel (クウェル), why does she dress the way she does? She doesn’t have enough of a chest to justify that outfit! (See first screenshot:

Weird, just noticed that the kanji in the title/URL has pinyin. I suppose it’s supposed to be pronounced in Mandarin? :0



Of course, being a Kairosoft fan, I wouldn’t miss the release of the localized version of 星になったカイロくん. :3 It’s one of my fave Kairosoft games after all (even though it IS a bit repetitive and shallow for a Kairosoft game). I’m putt-putting along in it since I’m trying to find unlock conditions for missions. I’ve actually been slacking with it since I’ve been playing the games above. ^^ Check out AdeptGamer for a quick primer and link to the data lists~!

Puzzle & Dragons


Not really spending any time with this but I’m mentioning it because there’s currently a Taiko no Tatsujin promotion going on! ^O^ There’s a special Taiko dungeon~! You can even get Taiko-based monsters. ^o^! It’ll be on for the next 12 days. I’ll probably play a little. I actually maxed out a monster and I’m ready to evolve it but I’m missing one fusion monster. :V

Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance]

I should get around to completing this soon since The Last Story will be on the way. Maybe. Assuming it doesn’t get bumped again. Nintendo Canada tried to tell me that it’s out in a newsletter but Amazon shows that it won’t be released until the 21st. 😛 Anyway, I’m still putt-putting around in The Grid (Riku side). The Tron world from KH2 rubbed me the wrong way so I’m not having much fun in this one right now. .___. I kind of wish Riku’s link with the Dream Eaters didn’t result in Birth by Sleep command styles only. :/ I like Sora’s more.


Current home screen look/layout on my Galaxy Tab 10.1

Nova Launcher with rainy Theme (for Go Launcher EX) icons
Nova Launcher (not that you can tell) with rainy Theme (for Go Launcher EX) icons. The weather & date are part of the Glass Widgets bundle. Folders are from the GoToApp Demo.

I love skinning and applying themes to operating systems for my computers and mobile devices. I fiddled around with Go Launcher EX last night and then eventually moved to Nova Launcher. I might go back to Go Launcher EX since I’m too lazy to manually tweak my home screen and icons. XD (There are some visual issues with it though since it’s not optimized for tablet use. I haven’t tried the HD version yet.)

Anyway, yeah, I know Jelly Bean allows for folder creation but when I install a new launcher, I have to recreate all of them. (At least, that’s what it seemed like.) With GoToApp, it’s simply a 3-step process to have it recreate all folders since I already organized all my apps beforehand.

The one thing that always throws a wrench into layouts is the Pesoguin Talk app which is the one you see in the middle with the little penguin and a heart. It’s a slightly bizarre widget that spans 1 x 3 squares. The thing is, it could have simply been 1 x 2 and everything would fit all nice and tidy. But because it’s 1 x 3, there’s excess empty space on the right side of the penguin which always results in an awkward gap. Choosing to overlap icons doesn’t make things better because Pesoguin partially takes up the third square. 9_9

Oh yeah, the wallpaper is from Simple Desktops. Here’s a direct link to the page:

I’ll probably still take a look around and see what other launchers there are. Really hoping to find something that’ll either ignore the icon grids or shrink them. I want things to be more densely packed and the freedom to put shortcuts anywhere. I already modified it a bit through Nova Launcher but it’s not enough. ^^ I would also like the ability to select multiple shortcuts since, sometimes, when I’m rearranging things on the home screen and want to place everything on one side, it’d go a wee bit faster than to select, hold, and move each one separately. There’s a tweak for this for jailbroken iOS devices but I can’t seem to find one for Android. :/

Edit: Redid the layout a little. ^-^

Redid the layout (Nova Launcher)
Redid the layout (Nova Launcher)

Oh yeah! I managed to resize the Pesoguin Talk widget properly so now there’s no extra space on its right side. For some reason, when I tried it last night, all it did was shrink the penguin but the speech balloon stayed the same size. ^^ I wonder if changing the number of columns did something? It was set to 8 columns before but now it’s at 10 columns.

BTW, what you see in the above screenshots is totally doable without rooting. However, I think root access is needed to show widgets in the drawer but it’s an option in the settings so if you don’t have root or don’t want to give Nova access to it, then there’s no big loss as it won’t affect the launcher in any way.

Try and accomplish THIS level of customization on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch without jailbreaking. It won’t happen. It will probably NEVER happen.


Rooted and ROM’d!

I finally made the decision to root my Galaxy Tab 10.1 and “upgrade” to Android 4.1.1. I don’t regret it for a second. I LOVE Jelly Bean so far. The jump from Honeycomb 3.2 to Jelly Bean 4.1.1 is …. wow. *___*

I primarily used the tutorials and downloads from to root and install the custom JB ROM. The process was very quick and went through without any issues.  (Reading the comments on one of the articles will tell you have to get USB data transfer access again as well as Flash.) The ONLY thing I ran into was during the prepartion stage where I was trying hard as hell to move 1.5 GBs of data off the tablet onto my computer. For some reason, Windows wasn’t reading all the files in the Titanium Backup directory. It didn’t occur to me to simply disconnect and reconnect the USB cable so it can re-read the data. 9__9  Instead, genius me spent about 2 hours (maybe even more!) trying to upload everything to Box. When that went at a snail’s pace, I opted to create an archive of the directory which was also slow as hell.

When the zip file was ready, I connected my Tab to the computer and suddenly, it was able to see every single back up file. WTF? >_____________>; So in the end, I used the original method of copying over files anyway. 😛

Anyway, once that was done and over with, I installed AOSP to see how it was. I totally loved it. It was so minimal and fast and the user interface was beautiful and clean. For a while, I was missing the lack of the screencap button that the Samsung’s TouchWhiz had by default but was told that a simple press and hold of the Power button + down volume button would accomplish the same task on Jelly Bean.

My Galaxy Tab 10.1 with CyanogenMod 10
Not that you can really tell but this is on Android 4.1.1~! (Click on image to see full size~!)

After a few minutes of exploring the new firmware, I installed CyanogenMod 10. I probably didn’t NEED to considering I’ve yet to even touch the icons of the apps that it came pre-installed with. ^^ Still, since it doesn’t seem entirely diferent from AOSP, I’ll be sticking with this.

I never tried Ice Cream Sandwich so I don’t know how much of a step up Jelly Bean is but from what I’m experiencing so far, I wish Samsung would have waited before working on TouchWhiz for Android 4.0. Well, not that I really care since I have no intention of going back to their bloaty, tweaked firmware.

For me, right now, Jelly Bean + root > iOS 5.1 + jailbreak. (I’ve yet to upgrade my iOS firmware. XD) Seriously loving what Google is offering with its operating system. Now if only the games and apps would be better …

Android · games · iOS

Tiny Farm update #2

Back in April, I had a bitchfest about Tiny Farm and raged about its pay-or-wait model. After a few months of expanding the farm, buying more animals and mastering them, I found that it’s definitely one of the more playable freemium titles.

One of the biggest criticisms about anything freemium is that the developer does things that limit your gameplay experience such as restricting inventory size and doing various other things that basically goad you into buying into their IAP feature.

Believe it or not, Tiny Farm is quite the exception to this. The reasons are these:

  1. There’s nothing that delays or obstructs your enjoyment of the game or tests your patience like Rule the Kingdom, for example, where you have to wait and wait and wait for your hitpoints to replenish before you can continue on with a mission without fear of dying from a single enemy attack. (A wait and play RPG/town-management mix is pretty disgusting, if you think about it.)
  2. There’s no need to rely on special currency (re: Bells) to expand your farm as the regular currency does the job. In comparison to a game like Tiny Tower where you have to keep pumping in Tower Bux to increase store stock, this is a pretty generous design. Even base animals that can only be purchased with Bells can be obtained through a Ranger and gold. (I’m not sure if the same could be said about the recent Talking Animal additions like the Talking Hampshire, however.)

Of course, there are still many things that require Bells but a Christmas Tree or Bell Tree churns out Bells at a regular pace — albeit a rather slow one. Levelling up and mastering animals can also net you some Bells. You will have to save up immensely to afford anything that costs 50 Bells and beyond though. Well, there ARE those Tapjoy offers too. :3

Anyway, here’s what my farm currently looks like. I have about 3 pages of animals in the barn too but since I’m aiming to make a sheep and alpaca-only farm, I have no need to place them all onto the field. (And it’s not like I can since I can only fit a max of 23 animals right now.)  There’s non-woolly animals on the range too because I’ve yet to master them.

Must make a woolly farm!
Must make a woolly farm!

Oops. I forgot I wrote a status update at the end of April too. ^o^~

3DS · games

Theatrhythm Log #5 (updated until midnight)

– Ooh. Finally! A No. 90 Dark Note! I’m probably gonna trip all over the place. XD ……….. And the game gives me some stupid simple pattern for Zanarkand. 9__9 Perfect Chained the thing on first try.

But the Movement is “level” 71! Let’s see how crazy it is.

Edit #1:
– Of course the BMS had to have a billion slide triggers. 9__9

– Oh dear lord. I wanted No. 90 and above but not accompanied with a Mv. that was as high!

"High end" Dark Note Score :(
“High end” Dark Note Score 😦

– HOLY CRUD. The slide triggers rotated at the beginning of the FMS! WTF? Still S-ranked the thing though.

– AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. So did the ones in the BMS. GODDAMN.

Edit #2:

– Bloody hell. This particular pattern for Battle to the Death always destroys me. I somehow managed a B though.

Edit #3:

– Wahaha. Most of the BMS Ultimate Scores kill me. FMS are okei though. I just ignore the EMS altogether. :3

Edit #4:

– The Man with the Machine Gun Expert Score is not what I expected. It’s not particularly hard but the pattern seems a bit more suited for Ultimate. I dread to see what the Ultimate looks like.

……… *is curious*

*taps Practice*

Haha. HP bar is completely gone after the Feature Zone. XD

– Wow. Shame. I’ve never gotten an A before on Awakening Expert Score before. (I only played it once. :B)

Edit #5:

– Hate the EMSs so much.

– Unlocking the Expert Scores for the Series Courses for fun but I kind of refuse to play One-Winged Angel again.

Edit #6:

– Baaawww. Stupid FFVIII EMS Expert. That was the first time I didn’t get an Extended Version. 😡 I wish I wasn’t so distracted by the ballroom dance. I love FMV so much. ^^

– Cid’s so cute. ^o^

Mrs. Cid!
Mrs. Cid!

Edit #7:

– Finally managed to get from a C straight to an A for the damn tune. Playing along with the demo helped.

Finally got an A!
Finally got an A!

– Haha. Almost died on the Ultimate Score. Still got a B somehow.

Edit #8:

– Defiers of Fate EMS Expert is difficult for me. :/ My timing’s usually off at the left corner sliders for the reason which result in a lot of Bad grades. Ultimate is actually much easier. X___x;

3DS · games

Theatrhythm Log #4 (updates until midnight)

Additional gameplay updates for today will appear in this post as edits~!

– Just spent a few minutes getting Holofoils for the first 3 pages in the CollectaCards binder by entering passwords from GameFAQs: They are case-sensitive and the punctuation must be typed in exactly as shown on the page.

Now everyone on page 3 is jumping in the air. XD

Edit #1:

– Herp derp. None of the BMS Special tracks in Challenge mode are S-ranked except Something to Protect. Also Perfect Chained it too. ^^

– Ooh. Finally got the trophy for getting all CollectaCards. Muhuhu~!

– Ergh. Trying to A-rank FFIV Battle 1 and JENOVA is hard for me. Stupid slide triggers. >o<~ (Also, why the hell was the title changed from J-E-N-O-V-A?)

Edit #2:

– "I guess, we laugh mistakenly for all time!" Some of the random lines are just too silly. ^^;

– Finally A-ranked FFIV Battle 1.

Edit #3:

– Crappy gameplay video or JENOVA~! Finally got an A rank. XD

3DS · games

Theatrhythm Log #3 (updates until midnight)

Gameplay updates for today will appear in this post as edits~!

– Unlocked Faris. I briefly swapped out the party for her, Terra, Lightning, and Shantotto. … Then we realized how annoying it would be to level them from ground up and switched back to the current all-male party. I’ll eventually level up the ladies but I just didn’t feel like it then.

– Swapped in my level 99 group and equipped attacks that only activate when bosses appear. I actually managed to kill a Boss No. 3 in the tougher Dark Note score this way. I didn’t do it earlier since I was levelling up characters but I decided I wanted to finally kill some bosses instead of watching them slide into the screen and slide back out moments later.

– Still wish the game would stop unlocking music and movies and give me more goddamn shards. Even ProfiCard unlocks are getting to be an eyesore now.

Edit #1:

– Hmm. It seems like lightly touching the touch screen works better for slide triggers. At least that’s what it seems like to me.

– Got a StreetPass Mii from someone else that was playing Theatrhythm but I didn’t get a ProfiCard or Dark Note. I guess he didn’t have StreetPass enabled. 😦

– It sure is hard to mess up the FMS when you have a beefy party. I guess the trick is to have someone or an item that can refill the health bar when you’re falling all over the place. A Hi-Potion doesn’t seem to cut it.

– Huh. It seems like when you’re doing Dark Note BMS and you defeat 2 cycles of 3 regular enemies plus Boss No. 3, Boss No. 2 might get cycled in. I didn’t manage to defeat the second boss in time so I don’t know if I could have gotten an item drop from it too.

Edit #2:

– I think I may have got Boss No. 2 cycling in before because I was kind of bombing toward the end. ^^

– Whoa. For another Dark Note, I managed to fight Boss No. 3 twice and killed it both times. Got the remaining 2 drops which were 2 shards. ^-^!

Edit #3:

– ARGH! Stupid tonberry wouldn’t die! It was the second monster. I wasted the summon on it. Sigh. But this is what I get for swapping out someone else that had a boss attack ability. :/

Edit #4:

– Hey, I just got 50,000 rm and what did I get rewarded with? More bylines for the ProfiCard!

– Ooh. I just unlocked Yuna. :3

Edit #5:

– LOL! Got all 3 versions of the CollectaCard of Ozma.

– Incidentally, GameFAQs has a lot of passwords: I’m not 100% that they all work the codes for the Goblin, Cid, and Faris (both codes) are correct. These are case sensitive, BTW.

3DS · games

Theatrhythm Log #2 (continual update for 24 hours)

This post will be updated throughout the day with various thoughts~!

Huh. It’s actually easier to deal with hyphens than bullets since I don’t have to fight with the buggy WordPress system when editing lists.

– The character unlock system is insanely annoying. I believe Square will make a sequel and when they do, I hope the unlock system or at least shard collecting won’t be so random and time-consuming.

– Got Rydia this super early morning. I need one more female character to make an all-female team. Er, is Shantotto female? *checks wiki* Well then! I guess I can make that team now. I still want Faris though. I got one more Crimson Shard. I still feel kind of goofy thinking that she was Edgar. XD

– I actually kind of want every version of Cid.

Edit #1:

– My first and will probably be my only all critical clear. Didn’t bother with the Stoic Bonus. Maybe I’ll do it one day:

All Critical clear
All Critical clear

Edit #2:

– I’ll probably be taking a break from the game for a bit. Kind of burnt out from constantly playing the same songs over and over and over. Going back to Taiko no Tatsujin DS 3 instead. I think Theatrhythm should have played like the game’s RPG mode more. Or maybe at least had a little RPG/adventure mode instead of just the Chaos Shrine. Lookee~: Taiko no Tatsujin DS: Dororon! Yokai! Daikessen! Walkthrough – Part 1.

3DS · games

Theatrhythm Log #1 (officially the 4th post about the game)

Like my previous post, I will be updating this throughout the day~! Additional comments will be preceded by “Edit” and then a number so if you’re following my Theatrhythm babbles here then be sure to check back at some point later on. :3

  • Dark Notes! Why are you depriving me of shards!? I must have played at least 10 Dark Note scores in the past few hours and I only got one measly shard.
  • Current party is Tidus, Minwu, Cecil, and Locke.  They’re not my favourite characters but I’m sticking to an all-male party until I unlock female characters. Well, I like Cecil and Locke — both characters were among my favourites in their respective games, never played FFII so I don’t know anything about Minwu, and Tidus … I remember not caring about the entire cast of FFX at all except for Wakka.  Oh, Lulu’s character design was kind of neat.  (Ah, Nomura. You and your obsession with belts.)

Edit #1:

  • You know, I don’t think I’ve ever summoned Bahamut yet … I have his Magicite though. Hmmm …
  • Do abilities stack? I mean, if one character has Protect Lv 1 and another character has it as well. Or maybe abilities of different levels will be treated individually? I guess I’ll have to dig through forums to find the answer to this.

Edit #2:

  • Ended up using Bahamut’s Magicite. Got the summon trophy now. XD

Edit #3:

  • Woo. Cleared 48 Dark Notes so far. I’m still failing in either reaching the first boss or defeating it in the later ones though. Sigh.  Gonna go back and replay some earlier ones to try and nab stuff from the 1st and 2nd bosses instead.  It’s unfortunate that the early Dark Notes have patterns in the BMS that I can’t play well. =___= But … I think tripping up all over the first part of the battle is the way to trigger the 2nd boss???
  • Finally decided to use my digital camera instead of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 to take photos. Now you can sort oftell my 3DS is purple! XD  Anyway, the game kills my neck since I do marathon plays (re: several hours in a row) so I’ve resorted to using the DS Lite stand. Unfortunately, the 3DS won’t stay in place due to the lack of a GBA cart slot so this is what I did:

    3DS on a stand meant for the DS Lite, supported by Winnie the Pooh
    3DS on a stand meant for the DS Lite, supported by Winnie the Pooh
  • The game was nice enough to hand me a Rainbow Shard for getting 40,000 rm.
  • Oh yeah, using Protect as an example for my stacking question was kind of dumb because it’s the equivalent of two characters in an FF game casting Protect twice on the same person (but in the case of Theatrhythm it’s the whole party). However, a Cure and Cura equipped on the same character DOES work. And why anyone would do this is cuz there’s not enough points for other abilities so might as well just fill the slot with something useful. 😛

Edit #4:

  • Threw together a cheat sheet for reaching the Dark Note bosses. If anyone can be more specific on the requirements or point out any errors, please do so~!

    Requirements for reaching the Dark Note bosses
    Requirements for reaching the Dark Note bosses
  • The first half is defined as the part just before the silver triggers of the Feature Zone come in. I’m not entirely certain if the notice of “Boss No. 3” showing up is dependent on the number of enemies defeated before the Feature Zone though.

Edit #5:

  • Oh shit. It may actually be dependent on the number of enemies kill as bombing TOO MUCH in the BMS will cause you to not fight ANY bosses. ^^;
  •  Bloody Anima. It’s not giving me the first drop item. I fought it at least 3 times already. It’s content on giving me the Magick Lamp. >:/

Edit #6:

  • I wonder if someone’s already tested the conditions to obtain a Boss No. 2 already? (Given that the game’s been out in Japan for a while, I would think so. ^^) Anyway, my current findings are that around 15 misses + maybe defeated 3 regular monsters will get you the boss.  I say maybe because I’m not entirely sure it’s necessary.
    All right. After checking three Japanese blogs, Boss No. 2 seems to be triggered when your party’s HP is below the 50% by the time the BMS reaches the Feature Zone. This is also typically the third enemy that comes onto the screen so missing triggers or just getting Bad really is the way to go.  Of course, I shouldn’t attach a number to the misses or Bads because once you get into the No. 70+ Dark Notes, it’s possible to die with just 3 – 5 misses without abilities to lessen enemy attacks or a party with high HP. =__=; I guess I should edit the image now. :B
    Image has been edited~

Edit #7:

  • I think the reason I sometimes never fight a boss is that I get stuck on the second or third enemy and don’t kill them off even after a successful summon. :\

Edit #8:

  • ………. Well, fuck. I just did a BMS stage that disapproves the whole hitpoints condition. I could swear that my HP didn’t fall below 50% at any point but I still got Boss No. 2. I did get Bad a few times and maybe a miss or two. *confused* I suppose I’ll do this Dark Note a few more times to test things out. Or maybe I should just go and search English forums. The problem is that some forums have a craptacular search function.
  • Bah. Not strong enough to defeat Boss No. 3 in the higher Numbers and Movements.