Android · games · Kairosoft

Finally completed Adventure Dungeon Story

EDIT ON OCT 30: Removed links to Kairospot and changed guide like to AdeptGamer.


Took several weeks since the game never really held my attention.

I have a feeling a good number of people will be disappointed since there’s such high anticipation and expectation for this. Of course, given that Kairosoft creates building (more like comboing) and management simulation games, it’d be silly to expect that they would create an actual roleplaying game that resembles the old school 8-bit RPG classics. In fact, there is no roleplaying at all!

Adventure Dungeon Story is a people — and to some extent, building — management game. Basically, you are merely a spectator and village manager. You will spend an inordinate amount of time upping their stats and showering them with new weapons, armour, and accessories so they can survive their battles with the constant spawning of monsters around the village. However, you will NOT be spending ANY time directing where your adventurers go or interact in battles in any way. And not having any control over their actions is what distances the game from the whole roleplaying aspect.

Anyway, here is some cut-and-paste from an amended info/guide post I did over at Kairospot:

  • Honestly, I wasn’t highly impressed with the game. It was fun, yes, but kind of disappointing at the same time since you’re limited to the role of people management. It would have been nice if the player could have more participation in battles such as DIRECTING WHERE PEOPLE GO IN THE FIELD.
    It was annoying seeing one weakling character wait around a spawn spot only to get knocked out and lay there for minutes on end until someone decides to wander over and take the person back to town. (I generally reserved any healing items for the Magic Pot. XD)
    I would have also have liked to have seen simple preset strategy/priority options like “Help out ally”, “Heal ally”, “Target weakest enemy”, “Target strongest enemy”, etc.
  • The game also rewards you for spending time raising the quality of stores. It doesn’t seem to happen early in the game but later on (not sure when it starts), if you up store quality to around 50, you will receive a pop-up window like this:

    A rumour about a shop!
    A rumour about a shop!

    This reads something like “The adventurers have heard a rumour about the Fortune Teller!!” You will then receive 20 popularity points. But as far as I can tell, this notice doesn’t mean your characters will start becoming regular patrons of the shop. :p
    Edit: It doesn’t seem to work on the shops that give only one plus increase to stats. For example: Bun Shop, Ice Cream Shop, etc.

  • I regret getting a 5-star rank for my town so quickly. It kind of slowed the development of my characters since tougher monsters appeared and they kept killing my adventurers. :p In this sense, I suggest pacing yourself and try and raise the town popularity as fast as you can so that you can get more people/professions and master more jobs quickly as well as getting more medals. This way, you can switch over to jobs that have higher attack and defense so you can create some “tanks” (characters specifically meant to take heavy damage). >:3  The high attack power would mean that they will also be the ones that will take out enemies fast~!
    Of course, more capital is required when you have more people and high maintenance jobs. If necessary, use the “block exit with shop” method to generate some capital.
  • Magic class users can be both useful and annoying. Although their spells can deal heavy damage with one hit, they have a tendency to miss and may not even cast spells all that often. :p (I’m unsure if raising the Skill/Proficiency stat will increase accuracy.) It’s really annoying when you’re wanting them to use the heal spell with people dying all over around them but they just mind their own business and try to melee monsters …. which usually ends up with them getting beat up by enemies anyway. 9__9 Maybe there’s a hidden cool-down mechanic?

    Incidentally, I always equip low level and magic class characters with bows so they can keep their distance. It tends to keep them alive just a bit longer as long as there are not multiple enemies targetting them. XD
  • The game felt more fun once I managed to shift people into the Kairobot, Sally Prin, and Mercenary (傭兵) classes. Took forever to get the initial Mercenary to max out his job but once he did, it was total bliss since anyone taking on the role becomes a freakin’ tank! So between my two Kairobots, two Sally Prins, and 3 Mercenaries, they were slaughtering all monsters AND bosses within seconds and anyone that took part in their battles also benefitted! XD

Incidentally, forum user DaveNg88 wrote up a comprehensive & awesome guide for the game. Be sure to check it out and if you’re a member at the forums, remember to thank him for the hard work! It’s really well done! *__*

games · PS3

Just a few more levels to go! X_X

Compliation of screens from TRINITY: Souls of Zill O'll
Compliation of screens from TRINITY: Souls of Zill O'll

Still working toward that platinum medal! Just got a few more levels till lv 99! It’s actually going much faster than I anticipated since I forgot that enemy levels in quests scale with the characters. XD

The Find missions confuse me. :V Every time I finish any of the ones that have a Find: [some item or whatever], the game doesn’t count it toward the total of Find-type quests I took. 😡 I don’t think it should matter that I’m using the Scroll of Return to leave dungeons since I already got the “Quest Successful” notice once I found the item.

Edit: Ah! It’s those Harvest quests that count … which is kind of messed up if you think about it. Regardless, it boosts up the “Find” total. ^^

Just need to get Find and Elimination to 15 each so that I’ll get the titles for them. More experience for me~~! 😀

Wish I could exchange SP for stuff. I maxed it out long ago. :E

Hmmm. Once I get to level 99, I’m gonna do the final fight again just for fun! >:3

Edit: Whee!


The final boss did next to no damage to my characters. ^^; ‘Twas a superbly boring battle. 😛

games · PS3

Going for another Platinum trophy!

Well, let’s see how long I can stick to it since levelling up the characters at this point in time in the game is dreadfully mind-numbing.  I mean, I already cleared the game but it’s taking them forever just go up ONE level right now.  I believe they’re at levels 75 – 76, right now?  (Edit: Nope, level 79. XD) I’m not sure that accessory that increases experience gained by 150% is going to help all that much. 😛  And since you can only have one of those, it’s gonna have to be rotated between characters.  Blargh.

If only I could level up playing the Blackjack mini game because I could play that forever!

One trophy left!
One trophy left!

Ah, TRINITY: Souls of Zill O’ll.

If you’ve never heard of it, don’t worry, you’re not missing out on anything. It’s an action RPG that’s pretty much made for masochists and those that love those damnable Korean RPGs on the iOS right now like the Zenonia and Inotia series.  The only difference is that TRINITY’s gameplay isn’t deliberately crippled to the point that you pretty much need to buy in-app shit to enjoy it the way it’s meant to be enjoyed.

What?  Your inventory is already full because the fucktard developer only allows you to have 10 slots by default? Well then! Just throw money at them and you can get yourself 10 more slots!

Anyway, if you like lots and lots of repetitive fetch, hunt, rescue, escort, or monster elimination-type quests and seeing the same dungeons and locations over and over, then this is the game for you!

I can’t believe they didn’t even throw in new floors for the labyrinth. Instead, the devs just rehashed every stage from select dungeons.  Hell, they didn’t even bother mixing up the floors a bit.

I’m ALMOST sad that Koei didn’t bring over the download content that the Japanese PSN has. Of course, I’m only interested in the costumes but I suppose it just wasn’t worth their time and effort so they wouldn’t even give the few players of the English/international version a chance to purchase them. :/

Sometimes, I wonder why companies choose to localize games that they probably already know won’t sell very well. 😛 It kind of reminds me of OZ/The Sword of Etheria from Konami. There was hardly any coverage for the game before its release and even when it did come out, it just kind of disappeared into oblivion. Sad. I don’t think Konami EU even made an official Web site for the title.

I only knew about it because I came across the official Japanese Website one day while looking for information of the character designer (who happened to work on Suikoden II and III).   I ended up importing OZ as well as the soundtrack and guidebook. I also bought the EU release too. ^^

games · PS3

Malicious and FFXIII


I bought a PSN UK card (£10) from eBay today so I could buy Malicious. In case someone is looking for some place to purchase cards to buy stuff from the UK store, this is the seller I used.  It was my first purchase but the seller was SCARY FAST in delivering the code.  I have to remember to leave feedback because I’m very impressed at the speed. ^^;   Hopefully, everyone else will have the same zippy service~!

The game itself was £6-something.  Forgot the exact price. ^^  Anyway, I’m glad it’s not some $20 (dollars not pounds :P) game because the controls (especially the fucking camera) frustrate me to no end. I’m trying to recall if Devil May Cry 3 or 4 was this infuriating and considering that I can’t remember being really pissed off or stuck in those games, I’d have to say no.  I only mention those DMC titles since Malicious plays like them and they’re the only ones with some form of block or guard and multiple styles of attack.

While I typically suck at any kind of hack-and-slash action game (always playing on Easy, heheheh), Malicious makes Easy pretty damn hard. It could be my crappy reflexes kicking in but I swear I spent most of my time blocking when I meant to dash as both actions require the use of the circle button.

The camera is really annoying to work with too and if you pair that with the auto-targeting … ugh.

I read that not targeting enemies is a better way to fight and I don’t doubt it cuz the auto-targeting has a wonderful habit of never locking onto the enemy you WANT to attack, save the boss since you always want to hit the boss. XD

And targeting is hella fun in the final boss stage because it will cause you to take your eyes off the boss and you DO NOT want that since it has an insta-kill beam.  I got killed with it multiple times. Oh wait, just realized that it usually (or always?) follows the streams of white beams. Derp.

I suppose I’ll restart the game and do it in the order suggested by someone at the NeoGAF thread. I actually fought the lady as my last boss and she was so sooo hard to take down.

Or I can try and finish the final boss fight although I’ll probably die a million times trying. Whee~

The ONE S rank I got XD
The ONE S rank I got XD


Gonna goof around in it for a bit. I wanna see if I remember how to play it. Hur hur hur.

I’m already in post-ending in it and have been running around fighting ‘toises to get their damn rare drop. 😛  I’m honestly way too lazy to rebuild Fang’s weapon from ground up so I’m farming instead of breaking it down for the three trapezohedrons.

Well, I still have a bunch of Cie’th Stone missions to do too like the Titan ones. I started it and then bailed since I felt that I wasn’t strong enough to continue.

35 Saves!
35 Saves!

Not quite sure why I have 35 saves for the game but I do! My friend said he had 99 saves but he was saving in a new spot each time on purpose or something.

Oh yeah, here’s a video I recorded a long while back. Maybe some folks have seen it before? XD

Edit: Wow. Forgot the Steppe was kind of huge and preemptive attacks are annoying to sit through. … Kind of not want to play this again. XD

Maybe I should consider continuing with Bayonetta instead.

games · PS3 · video

FFXIII-2: Chocolog #3

Did more racing today! Got the King of Cocoon, Grade-Getter, and Derby Champ titles today. 😀 Then I went around to some locations and threw Mog around for some adornments. XD  Oh, I bought some from Chocolina too!

I went back to racing afterward to get some more adornments.  Got me the Mog Figurine from the Omega Weapon Cup and then the Onion Knight’s Helm from the Undying Cup!

In fact, here’s a crappy video of the Undying Cup race. I have no idea what the fuck YouTube did to the video but the text isn’t supposed to look all blocky and mostly illegible like that.

FWIW, the audio was recorded with the Voice Memo app on my iPod touch 4G since with the setup I have on my notebook system, there’s no way DScaler can record audio from the video input adapter I use.

Since I’m not having all that much luck recording from the PS3, I’m considering doing a cam video for the next one. At least, the text will be readable in that. Well, hopefully.  The digital camera I have has a wonderful habit of constantly re-focusing while recording (even when it’s sitting on a tripod). 9___9

games · PS3

Top 20 search terms so far today & The Tonberry!

Search Views
graviton core zeta 63
paradox agent type c 54
graviton core eta 31
captain cryptic locations 23
5 red cactus archylte steppe 18
oerba 400af 18
find paradox agent type c 15
paradox agent type a 14
ffxiii-2 slot machine 13
oerba 400 af 12
adventure dungeon village android kairosoft download 12
oerba 400 10
captain cryptic 10
epic astro story guide 9
archylte steppe ffxiii-2 9
sunleth waterscape 400 af 8
ffxiii-2 archylte steppe 8
ff13-2 captain cryptic 7
ff13-2 tonberry 7
ffxiii-2 tonberry 7

Hmm. Still so many folks looking to pirate Adventure Dungeon Village. I wonder if they realize it hasn’t been localized yet? I suppose I should just assume they don’t care that it’s in Japanese.  Well, have you tried the Lite version yet!?

Now, onto the other search terms!

Most of the answers can be found in various posts! The Graviton Core ones, along with the location of Paradox Agent Type C, are found as screenshots at the bottom of this post: (No spoilers.)

Captain Cryptic locations As for the answers to his question, you’re probably better off getting the guidebook or you can thank this kind soul for taking the time to type up all questions and answers, including the ones from the Brain Blast terminals.  Of course, if you’re playing on the PS3, the buttons shown in the posts will be different. :E  But really, the official guide is quite good and comprehensive!

Green Cactuar & Red + Yellow Cactuar statue locations

Uh … the searches for slot machine? Are people looking for cheats cuz there aren’t any!  But I did write about it here: I should change the title of that post. XD

Oh, and what’s with the searches for Oerba 400 AF? If it’s about HOW to get there, check

Quite curious what people are trying to find out when they’re searching for “FFXIII-2 tonberry“. If it’s for its location, he just kind of randomly appears in Bresha Ruins 300 AF in a distortion field. When I first encountered it, it was by the steps by the walled-off grassy area near the location where Noel and Serah first gate in. (Heh. Stargate terminology kicking in. XD)

Once I got the Battlemania fragment and ran around to other places in the ruins, it started appearing all over including the tunnels. .__.;;

If people are trying to find tips on how to beat the little green monster, it’s highly recommended that you have a Sentinel (ideally with high HP) in at least one of your paradigms. I would say to forget about attempting to stagger it since its resistance is fairly high and you need to reach 666%. It’s also resistant to every debuff except Wound (and Death and Debrave and Defaith but you don’t have to care about those) so a Saboteur is not needed. The best thing to do, really, is to hit it hard and fast.

As it halves physical and magical damage, you’d want to buff your characters and fuse any offensive monsters you’ll be bringing into the fight with abilities that strengthen their attacks and, most importantly, ignores its resistances (like Armor Breaker).

Basically, it’s ideal that you have Synergists, Medics, Sentinels, and ye olde Commandos and Ravagers in your paradigms. Combat Clinic (MED MED SEN) is a fantastic paradigm to have.

The Medics are important since the Tonberry will deal progressively stronger attacks as the battle goes on so you need to keep everyone healthy. (Pay attention to the little messages that pop up above its head. They’re indications that it’s moving onto a beefier attack.) I typically ignore the poison since the HP of most of my characters and monsters are over 5000.  Once it starts going into the yellow, that’s when I start to worry.  Of course, if your party members have substantially less HP then use Esuna, Remedy, or Antidote as necessary but you may want to consider having at least one person or your creature ally still dishing out damage along the way since lengthy recovery breaks will work against you.

For what it’s worth, the guidebook doesn’t suggest any poison resistance accessories. I take it that they’re useless against the Tonberry anyway? I just have random accessories that I used for other fights most of the time. XD (Too lazy to switch them out.) My Serah is permanently using the Impeder’s Opal — even when her SAB role isn’t needed — and Durable Grimoire’s Hat. ^^;  But, you may want to invest in some accessories that increase the amount of physical damage Noel and Serah can take.  Or, if you can and want to risk it, you may opt to up their strength and magic power instead.

Anyway, once it starts coming after you with Rancor Knife, shift into Combat Clinic to raise and heal any fallen members. It’s IMPERATIVE you do this unless the Tonberry only has a few specs of HP left and can be finished off with a few hits.  Otherwise, you want all three to be alive.

Rancor Knife will go on for a few rounds so make sure you have Raise or a good quantity of Phoenix Downs handy.  However, once new messages start appearing above the enemy’s head, you might as well just pause the fight and select Retry because at that point, it’ll be gearing up for Ultimate Grudge.  This attack will annihilate the entire party without fail as its damage will always be 66,666 HP.  It kind of sucks that once it joins you, this attack will not do this much damage to enemies.

Well, certainly, if you figure you can finish off the Tonberry before it activates the special move, then go for it. ^^

Incidentally, since distortions are stationary, you can always manage to get in a pre-emptive attack.  It’ll probably be a good idea to use the time to throw on a bunch of buffs.

If you have any other tips, please feel free to post a comment! 😀

Edit on Feb 19: Here’s a recording I did today~! (Don’t look at the text in the vid. It’s hella blurry.) Took out the Tonberry in under 2 minutes. :3 And yeah, I don’t take my own advice above since I was trying to do something different like what would happen if I fought it aggressively.  I’m usually much more reserved and spend more time healing. ^^  Turns out I don’t need to! (Please note that my characters are maxed out.  Yakshini and my Tonberry are also maxed. ^^ More information about the party and setup can be found in the video description on YouTube.)

games · PS3

FFXIII: Post-ending fun & Chocolog #2

Aw man, you can miss Twilight Odin? D:  I was looking through the list of enemies in the guidebook today and it stated that Twilight Odin had a 100% drop rate.

Well, I never got him even though I completed the sidequest. Closing the gates to either Vile Peaks eras does squat too. 😦  (And considering that the questing was complete, I didn’t expect him to show up agai but I thought it was worth a shot. Oh well. I’d probably rage in getting the materials to level him anyway. :3

Since I couldn’t get Twilight Odin, I just went around to get the remaining chocobo that I didn’t tame yet. 😀  The process went rather quickly for the most part.  It did take a while to locate the Green Chocobo.  While you can get it at Yaschas Massif 110 AF, I opted for 100 AF since its location is listed as that in its Bestiary information page.  You can find this creature in the western area with the 2 depressions in the ground.  I encountered it rather frequently when I was hanging around the south part in between the two holes.

I’m pretty certain turning on the Battlemania skill will prevent it from appearing so don’t do it. In fact, I think most or all chocobos tend to not spawn if that skill is active.

I also had to hunt down the Black Chocobo in Vile Peaks 010 AF. This one tends to hang around the tunnel near Another Man’s Treasure.

Finally, there was the Purple Chocobo in Bresha Ruins 300 AF.  I found it inside the tunnel closest to the wide area to the south with pillars and a mutant chocobo.

Now, I have every chocobo! :3

I also spent some time trying to get a Metal Gigantuar. I ended up obtaining many Hermes Sandals in the process but no monster crystal. >_>

Oh yeah, I threw Mog all over the place in YM 100 AF and BR 300 AF and managed to get 3 new adornments. ^^ It’s really a lot more fun to do the Moogle Throw with the Mobile Mog skill enabled.

In regards to chocobo racing, I lost 1 race. 😦  The final results of my Silver Chocobo’s career was something like 31-0-1-0. I did manage to get the Fortitude title before I retired it. Strange. I could have sworn I got it before (as indicated in the Chocolog #1 post) but I didn’t! ^^

Now I get to register it again for some more racing fun! I think I might try for the Grade-Getter title this time around.  I want that Tonberry figurine. XD

Random asides:

  • Noel doesn’t seem as muscular (or his muscles aren’t as defined) in FMV renders. Odd.
  • Hope’s eyes are weird in the ending FMV. @_@; It’s almost like he’s wearing a bit of mascara! Although I think it may just be the shape of his eyes.
games · PS3

FFXIII-2: Chocolog #1

I’m not sure I’ll really need to number these kind of posts since I doubt I’ll do many of them. XD

I started racing my Silver Chocobo in earnest today and was focused on getting the Derby Champ title. The problem with this was that I didn’t realize that the game provides no indication of which races you’ve already done in the current career! Instead, it puts a little badge or medal next to every race that you have ever done throughout ALL racing careers.

This didn’t become apparent until the Atomos and Wild Bear Derbys kept showing up in the list of available races to enter. This means that I most likely wasted as few race points on ones that my chocobo already did! Sigh. 😦

WTF, Square? Or maybe I’m just blind and can’t see an option to switch between total races raced between every career and one for races raced in current career?

Regardless, I’ll be taking down the names of all the races manually this time around. 😛

Anyway, in the current career run, I’ve managed to nab the Trooper, Moneybags, Bird on Fire, and All-Rounder titles. I previously obtained Victorious, Speedster, and Fortitude on my second run with my Silver Chocobo. (I did one run with my Golden Chocobo but its stamina isn’t up to snuff to participate in the 1800 meter races. .__.)

Not quite sure how I’ll manage to get Underdog without throwing in a barely raised chocobo because my Silver Chocobo is always among the favourites and never loses (unless I make a poor call on when to use Boost). It might take a miracle to win with a bird with low stats. Perhaps the only way is to fuse it with some spiffy abilities? I suppose I should read up on some tips for this.

Random, non-chocobo-racing thoughts:

  • Hmmm … almost tempted to make a stupid video recording of putting various adornments on a Gigantuar and Don Tonberry. It’s funny to put them on a Gigantuar — or any type of cactus monster — because some of the things will be attached to the arm that’s bent upward so they end up waving the object up and down. ^o^~
  • Oh yeah! I never did catch myself a Tonberry. I suppose I’ll do that now! Got one! ^o^
  • Really wondering if I want to purchase the Sazh side story. :/ I’ve never been into card games and I’m certain that it’s probably mandatory and part of the plot. Besides, I’m not entirely curious how he ended up where he was. 😛  Snow’s story is supposedly going to be novelized so no DLC for him unless it’s in the form of a text adventure? 9__9