3DS · games

I suppose I should stop serial tweeting about the game

I know I kind of get annoyed from seeing a billion tweets about a game I’m not playing so I can imagine a few of my followers feel the same. (I’ve yet to receive any complaints but I think that’s cuz everyone’s being nice about it … or ignoring me. XD) I think I’ll start a new WordPress post each day and keep it in the Post screen so I can continually update it. ^.^~

I’m getting into the habit of deleting any Dark Notes that are No. 70 and above. The reason is that they are all on Ultimate Score speed! Re: damn zippy fast. I’m not up to that level yet so reading and reacting to the triggers — especially the slide ones — are difficult for me. My comfort zone is between Basic (No. 1 – 40?) and Expert (No. 40? – 70?).  Of course, that’s not to say that the lower numbered scores have easier note patterns.  Anything with a hold + slide at the end + slide trigger immediately after still murders me most of the time. 😛
But, as with most rhythm games, faster speeds can be beneficial at times since the notes will be spaced out more.  I mean, try playing some of the more complicated note charts in DJMax on 1x or 0.5x speed. (MX or SC charts on either of those speeds is basically suicidal. :P) I actually wish that we COULD select speeds in Theatrhythm.  I know I’d most likely perform better on some of the “slower” stages.

  • Edit: The following DOES NOT WORK. See edit #1 below: Hrrrrngh. I think, unless I get rid of some of the No. 60+ ones, the game will continually give me higher level Dark Notes. I don’t feel like removing all the ones in the 60 – 70 range since some of them have shards that I want. :/ However, I may not want to replay those particular ones over and over just for the shards. Sigh. ….. I suppose I COULD since I would think that the shard drops from bosses are randomized so they could still be available in lower numbered Dark Notes. Hopefully.
  • I wonder what the requirement is for getting to the 2nd and 3rd bosses for Dark Notes No. 60 and above?  I can S rank the FMS and STILL not pass the sign that points to either boss. I wonder if it has to do with the number of Goods, Bads, and Misses?  I would throw on every speed boosting ability for FMS stages on my characters but I would also like to survive the BMS that follows too. 😛  Speaking of which~
  • Lv 3 Lance is a godsend in these tougher Dark Note BMS stages. While it IS dependent on actually HITTING the notes on the character’s lane, it’s been very useful so far! The only member in my party that has it at the moment is Cloud. I think I’ll hang onto him even after he reaches level 99. ^^  I don’t think I have any items that allow characters to learn it. I wonder if there is even such an item? 😮
  • Would slide triggers work better as flicks instead? I wonder how well I’d react to those since, in Utacchi, flicks kill me too. XD

Edit #1:

  • Deliberately messing up and making my characters trip and fall all over during an Dark Note FMS sure is hard. I have to make sure not to overdo it. ^^;
  • Well, that seemed to be a bust. Removing all the higher number Dark Notes doesn’t really do anything. It seems like once your most recent Dark Note reaches a certain point, all the Dark Notes that come after will continue to increase in number from there regardless of whether or not you remove the newer ones. .____.;; I could have sworn it worked before. 😦

Edit #2:

  • Using my index finger in place of a stylus now. I want to see if it makes any difference. X3

Edit #3:

  • FMS is harder to do when using a finger. ^^

Edit #4:

  • Due to my goofy experiment with the Dark Notes, I am now forever stuck with Something to Protect, Ending Movie (FFXII), and Defiers of Fate. 9___9  Even the new No. 80+ Dark Notes are giving me the same tunes. FFUUUUU, Theatrhythm!
  •  Wow. I actually didn’t even fight any particular boss in one Dark Note score. o_O

Edit #5:

  • Bizarre. It was always my assumption that the maximum is No. 99 Mv. 99 but now it’s gone backward.  The gap between my DN Scores is strange too. I nuked everything after No. 29 Mv. 48 which was originally filled with No. 30 – 70. So now, it reads like this. Bear in mind that I didn’t delete anything after No. 85:

    My current list of Dark Notes
    My current list of Dark Notes
  • To date, I have cleared around 37 Dark Notes, I think.
3DS · games

A note about Theatrhythm CollectaCards

All 3 versions of the Mandragoras CollectaCard
All 3 versions of the Mandragoras CollectaCard

Since I can’t post this on Instagram due to its width, here’s an unfiltered picture of all 3 versions of the Mandragoras CollectaCard. (My favourite card.  ♥)

To get Holofoil, a card needs to be a level 4. Once it reaches level 7, the Platinum version is unlocked. Levelling simply consists of getting the same card multiple times. Cards unlocked through passwords also count toward the levelling.

Can’t wait to get the Holofoil and Platinum versions of Ozma~! (How can a sphere have different poses? I take it it’ll change in size or the colours will be in a different position?)

Working passwords: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=39522544&postcount=1312

annoyances · silliness

Love letters from me

Dear Nintendo of North America,

Your Club Nintendo rewards suck. Always have and probably always will. And I don’t mean the Gold and Platinum rewards.  I mean generally pretty much everything that’s ever been up for redemption has been uninteresting and unappealing.

– me

Dear Theatrhythm,

Stop giving me:

  1. Music for the Music Player, and
  2. Movies for the Movie Player

I do not care about these things.

– me

Dear Falcom,

For the love of God, spare some time to focus on a new IP or Ys again.  Yes, the Kiseki series is making you a buttload of money but goddammit, you can do something else on the side too. It’s seriously frustrating for fans that don’t care about The Legend of Heroes series.

– me

Dear Kairosoft,

It’s seriously time to invest in some public relations and customer service, especially when it comes to dealing with foreign fans. I’m not quite sure why it’s so difficult to write short lines of text explaining what’s been when updates occur for your iOS and Android games. I mean, even the Japanese releases don’t have change logs.

It’s also quite disheartening to see games released with bugs, sometimes fatal ones too since it gives the impression that you’re not all that serious about your games. Perhaps, on top of PR and CS, you can get some proper quality assurance going too.

One more thing: Do those Twitter and Facebook accounts actually belong to you?

– me

3DS · games

All right. So I’m still playing Theatrhythm despite my bitching in the previous post about the game :P

It turns out all the fun is in the Chaos Shrine. The Series courses just suck big time.

It’s strange cuz whenever I do one of those courses, I FEEL the grinding, but when I only focus on Dark Note Scores, I’m fine. ^^~

I need to play the FFIV Final Battle music more often. I’m actually surprised the game doesn’t take into account the tunes played in the Chaos Shrine for “Most Played Song” cuz lord knows I’ve played Something to Protect a billion times with a billion different note patterns already.

The randomization has been rather nice lately; it’s stopped hammering me with FFIX and FFXII music.  However, they’re still heavily cycled into the courses so I’ll still get them every now and then. .___.

Anyway, I’ve updated my ProfiCard! XD  I love FFIII Cid! He looks like such a jolly character~!  I even unlocked him as a character to use. ^o^~!  You know, it’d be funny if Square trolled everyone and made every crystal unlock some version of Cid. >:D I think my next unlock is Locke or a silhouette that looks like Ashe.  I got about 2 – 3 shards left for both.

Updated ProfiCard XD
Updated ProfiCard XD
Back of Updated ProfiCard XD
Back of Updated ProfiCard XD

And here’s the stylus that’s been getting me through all the stages. ^o^  I was using a fat one that I bought from Play Asia a while back but I found that it kept causing me to do horribly. 😦  Since the stylus that came with the 3DS was getting me a better performance, I figured that its size (and possibly the tip) was the problem.

This Taiko no Tatsujin stylus is part of a pair that came with the first DS Taiko no Tatsujin game. The second one also had an identical pair too. :3

Huh. I never noticed that the ones that came with the third game were golden. :O  (Damn Nintendo for region locking the 3DS. I can’t play the 3DS Taiko game. >:0)

Taiko no Tatsujin stylus! Da don! XD
Taiko no Tatsujin stylus! Da don! XD
annoyances · games · PSP

Finished Unchained Blades last night (Spoilers)

I am totally not surprised that there was no explanation for the other characters joining Fang at the end. I also see no point to a sequel (story-wise) and …

< SPOILERS > ~ Highlight to read ~
… Why would Clunea continue granting wishes if she knew that the greed thing can affect her? Or did destroying her corrupt form magically give her immunity to it forever? I’m specifically referring to the post-final battle part.

Anyway, here’s a summary of my thoughts about the game:

The Good Stuff

  • Dungeon exploring was fun!
  • Dungeon designs were decent.
  • Colourful artwork. The mishmash of designs didn’t bother me very much. :3

I do have a silly complaint about character design though! Lucius is too skinny and has a seemingly giant head. ^^; It … really bothered me. I wish he’d leave the hood and cloak on more often. XD

And now, the whole list of things that didn’t jive with me~

The Bad Stuff

  • Stupid reply options from Masters that make no sense in relation to a question asked by a Follower.
  • Followers pestering Masters about things. It seems to be frequent if they level up quickly — that is, bringing followers into an area with enemies that are a few levels higher than they are.
  • Super puny inventory. I can only see this working well if you keep running back to town to sell or synthesize things. Of course, in many cases, it’s just not worth the effort.
  • The Unchain system. Basically, you have to wear down an enemy’s hitpoints and then HOPE you get the option to Unchain them because it won’t always appear. On top of this, if your attack is synced with a follower due to elemental affinity, there’s a horrible chance that the follower can KILL the enemy before you even get the chance to Unchain. (I can’t remember clearly but I think this even happens if you use regular attacks?)
  • Materials/resource gathering. I might be one of the few people in the world that hates seeing this in games and the hate is compounded by the fact that the tools are bloody expensive to purchase early in the game and the random nature of what you can obtain at each harvesting/timber/mining point …. Ugh. Thankfully, all quests are optional and you don’t HAVE to do synthesis. However, I’m pretty sure a lot of the best equipment and such are only available through synthesis.
  • Useless Encyclopedia that has no information about an enemy’s anima or where you can find the enemy.
  • The remaining crest keys which can only be obtained by clearing Infinite Ark multiple times. I’ve yet to confirm this but going by the tutorial about the Ark, this is the impression I get from it. I mean, yeah, I like exploring dungeons but going through 101 floors of randomly generated floor designs more than once isn’t my idea of FUN. Granted, you can cut down the journey by taking the red teleports which lets you skip 10 floors. Still, this depends on whether or not the game creates the teleport for you and if you can find it when it does.
  • Moving around on the Skill Map. Who the hell was the fucktard that decided that NOT locking the cursor to the nodes was a good idea? I can’t remember if moving around on the FFX Sphere Grid was this moronic. The D-pad could have easily been used to navigate the nodes and the designers could have simply given us the option to lock or unlock the cursor in case we wanted to move to another part of the map instead of continuing in the area we were working on.
  • The translation of the dialogue between the Reaper Clan characters is strange and doesn’t work well in English. :/ For example, the whole Big brother” thing at the end. Obviously, it’s much more endearing in Japanese which would convey the closeness between the characters a lot better.
  • Why does the storage option become available midway through the game? And, oh yeah, there IS a mandatory quest. In order to even unlock the storage option, you have to complete a quest. Thankfully, getting the materials wasn’t too difficult.
  • Tutorial topics have “automated pages”. This means that you have to review an entire tutorial topic just to read up on a single thing you’re looking for.

There’s probably some more stuff. I might add them if I think of them.

At any rate, I’m going through the Infinite Ark right now. I’m just doing one round.  Just because.


Finished it and ….

Infinite Ark results (first and only time)
Infinite Ark results (first and only time). Yes, this was done with cheats on.

…. Welp, looks like you DO get one key per visit. Totally not going for the remaining 5. I’m done with this game.

Also, going through the Ark just to get the Winged Crest Key which lead me to a damned Seal Bangle is really not worth the trek.

annoyances · games · PSP

I thought I was finished Unchained Blades and then …

… BAM! Another chapter gets thrown at me. So yeah, I’m going through yet ANOTHER Titan. Sigh. I will most likely ignore the post-game stuff though. Heh.

Will there ever be a post about the game where I won’t complain about it? Most likely not. However, I do talk a little about the characters and … stuff! No spoilers.

So much of the game still annoys me even though I’m not playing it “properly”. XD The 50 items inventory limit is way too restrictive. I mean, I don’t even do any harvesting or mining and I STILL manage to max it out while simply travelling through a dungeon and fighting. How the hell does THAT happen? I would believe this is something that will be changed in the sequel. At least, it better be. Sometimes, I wonder what the developers are thinking when they design their games. Didn’t they feel the issue when THEY played through it? Maybe it was too late to fix it by then? But then, I don’t think it’ll be a million lines of code just to make it so that you can fit a few more items into it.

Buuuuuuuut, I suppose the issue then is to figure out what the acceptable limit is. Or perhaps there’s not even a satisfactory number? Yet if they could have done some sort of average — like say, every type of monster in the dungeon will drop 1 unique item and there are 10 kinds of monsters that you can encounter. That’s 10 right there. And then all the harvesting/timber/mining points can probably give you 3 unique items on average. (I know the permanent points can give you more.) … And then, the Judgement Battles dump a crap ton of items on you too.

Well now, through this estimate alone, the inventory limit is obviously not enough. XD

Yeah yeah, I know the idea is to use the items for synthesis but when you’re very deep into a dungeon, you REALLY don’t want to zip back out to the village to do that or to place things in storage. This is especially true for a few of the Titans where getting back to higher floors is actually a bit of a walk.

Well, the storage seems to be limitless in terms of the number of unique items you can shove into it. The 99 quantity per item still applies though.

I’m kind of curious what the inventory cheats will do. I never bothered to use one since I honestly don’t even care about materials or healing items right now as my nigh invincible party has no need of them.

Indeed, I’ve pretty much just made the game into dungeon exploration and monster capturing at will. XD I still left the challenge of failing Unchains in though even though I can turn on the option for 100% successful unchains whenever I want. Actually, I’ve never done it so I don’t even know if that cheat works. ^^

Speaking about monsters, that in-game encyclopedia is so damn USELESS. All it shows is a picture of the monster and a description. I’m pretty sure I’ve hit every button possible to see if I could bring up information about its habitat and anima but there’s NOTHING about it. I mean, sometimes, you can go a long while without encountering a monster that has an anima you need and if you want to go back to a dungeon to get one … dumb old me that has a crappy memory would like to know which Titan I should head to.

However, this was when anima actually mattered. 😛 I believe I played up to chapter 5 with actual skill usage and follower arrangements that allowed me to access those skills. But after a while, I just said, “Fuck this.”, and turned on max stats as well as getting myself enough SP so I can simply obtain all 3 Burst types for the 4 main party members. Oh yeah, I got infinite HP, MP, and Burst going on as well.

I’m pretty much sticking to Fang, Tiana, Reaper Clan girl, and Lapis. Mari had way too many buffs and debuffs for my liking, Fox girl had a decent set of skills and dealt decent damage but I hate her character (why can’t Tiana bitch slap her instead of simply yelling at her? I’m thinking that physical abuse might actually work as a reminder that she’s not supposed to be so trigger-happy with buttons and switches), Lucius desperately needed group attacks, and Hector … I like Hector but I can only have 4 characters in the active roster. 😦

Oh yeah, was it just me or was there some sort of continuity lapse in the chapter, The Last Wish? It’s like one character had the orb thing and then SUDDENLY, out of the blue, someone ELSE got it. I could swear I was reading all the narrative text and there was no indication that the orb dropped onto the floor or anything. It was so weird. :/

Also, Reaper Clan girl’s relationship with her lord/brother is …. um … let’s just say it’s not heartwarming. In fact, it gave me the impression that it’s a rather twisted relationship. But I suppose if you take into account the many generations, it’s not all that weird.

Clunea’s really weird too. I suppose she just lovesssssssssssss people asking her for help. (Re: wishes.) She has an ego thing as well.

Speaking about ego, I’m glad Fang stopped going on about the whole “I’M THE STRONGEST DRAGON IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” bit past chapter 4 or 5. I mean, he still says it but not with the frequency that he did early in the game. Goddamn, that was annoying beyond belief.

Oh, the end of the chapter 6/beginning of chapter 7 is kind of strange. I don’t see the motivation of the OTHER characters for wanting to follow Fang. I mean, I seriously don’t see any other justification from them other than, “We’re gonna stick with you till the end!” I take it they’re all going to so some stupid speech before the final battle so maybe then, I’ll get their personal reasons.

Since I’m pretty close to the end of the game now, I can say that I’m disappointed that there wasn’t much in way of character development. I mean, you’re only given so many chances at the camp sites to get a bit more detail about a single character (and if you want to learn more, you have to replay the game again or if you magically had a save before then, you could just reload that a couple of times to see all the answers) but even that’s not enough.

What’s really silly is that you’re not given any back story of the Four Dragon Kings. You just shove them into your followers slots and that’s it. They’re even goofy enough to pester you like other followers after battles and before heading into town. 9__9 I was hoping for some interaction between them especially if you already had one with you when you encountered another one. However, it seems like their main purpose is the game is to be powerful monsters to recruit.

I suppose I’ll end the rant here cuz this post went much longer than I anticipated. I still have to do a post-game rant too after all. XD

Edit: Clunea sure likes doors.

3DS · games

Played the hell out of Theatrhythm last night

Since I am error prone, I hardly have any Perfect plays and absolutely no Perfect courses. XD  Here are some quick thoughts about the game:


  • Field and Battle stages are pretty fun~!
  • The game has some of my favourite tracks like the Main Theme of FFIV, Main Theme from FFI, Battle at the Big Bridge (FFV), and Fight with Seymour (FFX).
  • Hilarious randomly generated bylines from the FF characters at the start of every stage. For a while, I seriously thought Square went back to the doofus(es) that did the Final Fantasy Tactics (PS) localization. None of the text the characters were spewing out was making any sense! XD
  • Lots of unlocks.


  • Series courses are too short.
  • Presentation’s all right. The Event stages look particularly unimpressive though since it’s just gameplay and cutscenes from the games as background.
  • Lots of unlocks. (This is a con because … see next line.)
  • Grinding. Lots of it.  Lots and lots of it.
  • The randomization of the tunes for the Dark Note courses is very poor. Nearly half of the ones I unlocked so far consist of some FFX and FFIX battle tunes. >_>
  • Not fond of the slide triggers since when there’s a lot of notes or a quick-paced song, it makes a lot more sense to flick to hurry to the next trigger than to slide. Maybe I just gotta learn how to do short slides.
  • No SpotPass support, only StreetPass.

I really wish the game would randomize the tracks in the series courses. I don’t want to HAVE to play the same ones over and over.  And ergh, there needs to be innovation in the music/rhythm game scene. I’m getting really tired with the whole grinding bit as the only way to advance in levels.  I mean, yeah, this game is based on an roleplaying series and grinding is a staple of RPGs but dammit, it’s a rhythm game. :3  Square could have tried for something new.

Also, grinding for points and unlocks is a bit boring now too.

Hmmm. I wonder if it’s possible to get every single Dark Note w/o StreetPass? Since I’m a hermit, having the StreetPass feature is incredibly useless for me. The only time I’d ever get anything will be at PAX East next year and who knows if anyone would still be playing the game by then anyway.  SpotPass would have been a much better choice, IMO.

Anyhoo, here’s my ProfiCard. It’ll probably change at some point … providing I play the game again.

Theatrhythm ProfiCard front
Theatrhythm ProfiCard front
Theatrhythm ProfiCard back
Theatrhythm ProfiCard back

Random photo of the Mandragoras (from FFXII) card. XD I love these guys~!

Mandragora card from Theatrhythm
Mandragora card from Theatrhythm
games · PSP

Unchained Blades: My definition of fun doesn’t include excessive grinding

I know others frown upon the method and will whine about how the game’s challenge is part of the fun but the thing is, the way it’s supposed to be played is not fun FOR ME.

Basically, I’m cheating. I made it so that my followers wouldn’t die instantly from 1 or 2 hits or have to keep throwing Medicine at every leader to restore a  follower’s HP, that I didn’t have to strategize to wear down enemies to unchain them (and hope to God the followers won’t follow up with attacks that’ll kill the target) nor have to continually fight them over and over UNTIL I can even Unchain one, and most of all, I made it so I didn’t have to hang back for HOURS just to grind to survive the next fucking floor in a dungeon.

So why am I even playing Unchained Blades if I can’t play it “normally”? I dunno. Maybe I’m just crazy but I like dungeon exploring.  In fact, I do like the fact that I’m not bothered every 5 steps by random enemy encounters like in some RPGs. (I’m not using a no encounter cheat either.)  I also totally love uncovering every inch of a dungeon to get 100% completion. (Well, I mostly love it. I hated some floors of the tortoise dungeon. The place had so many damn turns and corners. And doors. My GOD, the doors.) I guess I’m OCD like that.

Oh, I’m also playing it for the story which is probably another crazy thing since I’m not expecting anything original or mind-blowingly brilliant.

But I think the main reason I’m still chugging along in the game is due to the fact that I bought the game from the PlayStation Store. :3 Still, if the game was on UMD and purchased from a brick and mortar store, I think I’d still keep it and play through it, but, of course, only with the “tweaks” that make it enjoyable for me~~~

annoyances · games · PSP

Collection of Unchained Blades tweets from today so far

I figure I should move them here instead of bombarding my friends with all the bitching I’ve been doing about the game. XD

  • Wow. The game pretty much FORCES you to get materials for weapon upgrades in Chapter 2. #UnchainedBlades
  • This, along with starting at level 1 with a new party, sucks hardcore. I hope the sequel isn’t this idiotic. #UnchainedBlades
  • I’ll consider the $30 I spent on this as a donation to XSEED for other games. Never again will I play a dungeon crawler. #UnchainedBlades
  • At least not one like this. Mandatory material gathering can go to hell. Fuck developers for including those. #UnchainedBlades
  • Wait. I can get unlock dagger use for Tiana. Ahaha. ATK +1 with a Scramsax. Goddamn. Material gathering I go then. #UnchainedBlades
  • FYI, she was doing 1 HP of damage to the wimpiest monsters in the first dungeon with her default weapon. Stronger one N/A. #UnchainedBlades

I kind of forgot to explore the Skill Map before heading exploring the Temple of Trials and Titan Darius. ^^;  Turns out that you CAN buy another weapon type for Tiana pretty early so unlike her rapiers which require materials, the Scramsax (a dagger) can be bought. Unfortunately, it adds little to her attack. 9__9

I have no idea if increasing proficiency in forging new weapons will unlock more at the shop for purchase or simply advancing the story will do. Either way, I’m gonna have to get more materials if I want Tiana to be useful.  Well, her and that fox girl.

Edit #1: Actually, if the sequel improves on a lot of crap like less grinding to get money in the beginning among other things, I may consider trying it as well.

Edit #2:  Ooh! Looks like weapon unlocks at the store are story driven! Mwahaha.

Edit #3: Really hope the sequel improves or even removes the whole monster collecting bit. But then, I think it’s a major gameplay gimmick. Sigh. If only Judgement Battles didn’t exist …

Edit #4: It’s really annoying when you’re trying to wear down an enemy to Unchain them only to have your stupid followers land attacks or a party member crit hit. >_>