Android · shopping



Ordered on Saturday, got them today! 😀 Of course, I only live like 30 minutes from the GelaSkins office. XD!

Skinned!! The colours are off because I had warm lighting from the right and cold light coming in from the window 😛  Actually, that’s kind of apparent in the pic above too although the colours are more accurate.

Oh yeah, I know it looks like there are bubbles on the notebook skin but that’s actually an embossed Lenovo logo. >_>

Android · games · Kairosoft

Astro Expedition Weapon & Armor Data

Hi, Internet! If you plan on reposting the information below, please learn some courtesy and credit your source. Thanks~!

Data translated from

Edit: Tuesday, Dcecember 20th — Updated armor and most weapons to official English names.



Weapon Name Attack Power Cost Unlock Condition Special Note
8 800 Weapon (武器) Lv 1
10 1200 Weapon Lv 2
Short Sword
13 1600 Weapon Lv 3
Long Sword
18 2100 Weapon Lv 4
Battle Axe
22 3700 Weapon Lv 5
26 4300 Weapon Lv 6
30 5000 Weapon Lv 7
Heat Axe
32 Planet rank Lv 6 Reward
Beam Sabre
36 5700 Weapon Lv 7 & Electronics (電子) Lv 4
40 6500 Weapon Lv 7 + Mining (採掘) Lv 3 Multi-hit up to 5 times
Golden Axe
42 Battle reward on 13F in the Bottomless Chasm. Has high attack power but speed is slow
Force Sword
44 Battle reward on 4F in the Bottomless Chasm


Weapon Name Attack Power Cost Unlock Condition Special Note
5 Cannot be researched or created
6 600 Weapon (武器) Lv 2
Throwing Knife
8 1000 Weapon Lv 3
Shock Blade
10 Planet rank Lv 2 Reward
Throwing Star
10 1500 Weapon Lv 4
Iron Boomerang
13 2200 Weapon Lv 5
16 3200 Weapon Lv 6
19 4300 Weapon Lv 7
Beam Rifle
22 5500 Weapon Lv 7 & Electronics (電子) Lv 4 Can hit all enemies in a single row
Wind Blade
24 Planet rank Lv 9 Reward; Ability to invoke Power Attack
Multiple-Launch Bazooka
25 Battle reward on 7F in the Bottomless Chasm; Can hit up to 3 times
Plasma Rifle
28 Battle reward on 10F in the Bottomless Chasm; Can hit all enemies in a single row


Name Defense Cost Unlock Condition Special note
Battle Gear
20 1000 Armor
(アーマー) Lv 1
Space Suit
30 2000 Armor Lv 2
Power Suit 1
40 3200 Armor Lv 3
Power Suit 2
50 4400 Armor Lv 4
Power Suit 3
60 5600 Armor Lv 5
Chimpan Z Suit
5 Reward for uncovering the entire planet (Exploration 100%). Allows wearer the ability to instantly kill weak enemies which then become allies/residents. Can be brought over to succeeding playthrough.
Kairo Suit
60 Reward for clearing 16F in the Bottomless Rifle. Allows wearer the ability to instantly kill any enemy (including the massive ones) which then become an ally/resident. Can be brought over to succeeding playthrough.
games · PSP

Frontier Gate and Final Fantasy Type-0 demo impressions

I haven’t used any of my PSPs (I own 3 of them — one of each generation ^^) in a long while but suddenly decided to check out some demos yesterday. After playing a bit of Konami’s Frontier Gate and Square Enix’s FF Type-0, I thought I’d write down some thoughts about both games. I’ll be skipping the synopsis on story and gameplay though:

I’ve read that Frontier Gate is supposedly a Monster Hunter clone. I’ve never played any MH games before and the closest I’ve ever gotten was the demo of Bamco’s God Eater and I really didn’t like that one due to the stupid camera being useless in battles. (Or maybe there was just some auto-lock/auto-target option I didn’t know about.)

To me, Frontier Gate feels like GE + Last Ranker (with a party) + every bloody KRPG that’s on the iOS right now. All I’m doing is running around the same bloody town talking to the same bloody people, nabbing quests from the guild master or whatever (never bothered to try and figure out what he was and it’s hard to check now since I’m in the middle of a quest), and then running into set quest areas to complete whatever tasks I need to complete. (I finally triggered the fusion option. It took about 5 quests before I was given the quest that unlocks it. >_>) The gameplay is overly monotonous and boring. I do like the combat system, however.

Being illiterate to Japanese, I’m missing out on whatever underlying story there is. There seems to be something about a Legendary Sword but I dunno if that’s still going or if it’s exclusive to the NPC, Emilio.

The sad thing, however, is that although I complain about monotonous gameplay, these are the kinds of games I usually end up playing and liking to some extent. Or at least, I’ll stick with them for an extended period of time. 😛 I mean, I managed to finish Koei’s mind-numbing TRINITY: Souls of Zill O’ll — with a good deal of the trophies obtained too. :3

While Frontier Gate felt very familiar, FF Type-0 was completely the opposite. Aside from it feeling a little like Crisis Core on crack, I felt overwhelmed by the menu and I didn’t know what the heck was going on in the game.

I was very annoyed with Guest “NPCs” constantly being swapped in and out in the middle of battles. I sincerely hope the wifi or ad-hoc or whatever option the game has doesn’t actually allow this to happen because it’s grating. I WANT the party I picked to stay with me, not some random person playing 238472 miles away to suddenly butt in. I mean, I don’t believe I could swap between the characters I selected if they joined. (Honestly, I didn’t try. ^^;;)

Sometimes, because their levels were a bit higher than my party, their help was welcomed. Otherwise, I don’t want them to be a part of my game. I eventually turned off the option in the menu since it was simply too annoying.

I’m still learning though but because I can’t read Japanese very well, there were a lot of things that lead to frustration. For example, is there any way to replenish MP beside sucking it out of defeated enemies and those restoration points? I thought there was an item in the menu that would do it but it didn’t seem there was any. ^^

I was using Rem and ran out of MP during the fight against the giant multi-legged mechanical enemy. 9__9; I didn’t want to switch to anyone else since no one had any ranged magic that didn’t require charging.

My right hand hurt after playing the demo for a while since I was gripping onto the R button in battle. Maybe I didn’t experiment enough but it seems like you NEED to keep the button pressed to keep a lock on an enemy. Very annoying.

I suppose I should do some searching online to see if anyone’s whipped up a tutorial on the gameplay and provided explanation of the menus. For some reason, while I usually love to experiment and explore, I don’t feel the urge with this game. :\

annoyances · games · iOS

The War of Eustrath: How Annoying Can You Be?

It’s a wonder that I’m sticking with this strategy RPG since one of the main female leads, Tiana, is BEYOND ANNOYING. She is vain, tactless, and just doesn’t know when to shut up. Her entire existence in the game is to a) heckle the hell out of fellow comrade-in-arms Sarah, b) remind the player that she is a country-girl with no formal training to pilot a giant mecha but just has some damn natural talent to do so, and c) just make you want to punch her in the face a few times.

I honestly don’t mind the fact that the characters fit certain archetypes to the letter and that some of the dialogue and exposition is silly but the writer(s) just went overkill with Tiana.

To better explain the issue: From THE moment she “joins” the team, you

  • GET the point that she likes the main character
  • GET the point that she thinks of Sarah as a rival
  • GET the point that she’s a prodigy of sorts
  • GET the point that she’s a conceited bitch

But Christ, the writer(s) constantly REMIND YOU of these points through her incredibly grating and arrogant dialogue. I wish I had examples of her stupidity but I wasn’t really thinking about writing up an entry to complain about her so I don’t have any available. 😛

Sarah’s actually not much better since she acts like a complete child when she bickers with Tiana. I do feel some sympathy toward her though because even though she’s immature, everyone on the team makes her feel bad about herself. There are a lot of other ways to point out someone’s errors other than being condescending but apparently, no one realizes this.

The most normal and likeable of the group to me is Harvein. He fits the archetype of the upbeat, jolly, kind, easy-going guy who seems kind of unlucky with his lovelife. Actually, I can’t really describe him very much since I’m not really certain what his role is other than agreeing/siding with people in arguments. >_>

At any rate, the game itself isn’t that bad which is why I’m still playing it despite the sheer aggravation I’m suffering due to Tiana. It reminds me of a cross between the early Fire Emblem games (as I’ve never tried any beyond IV) and The War of Genesis III Part 2. One gameplay beef is that I wish I could fast forward through enemy turns since while it’s great to see where they move to, it feels long when you have over 15 enemy units on the map.

Android · iOS · pondering

iOS apps that should be on Android

Before I purchased my Galaxy Tab 10.1, I already knew that the Apple App Store dwarfed the Android Market in terms of its number of apps. However, I figured that it was because a good chunk of those were either just rip-offs of existing ones or just pathetic pieces of shit that the public shouldn’t even know about (and yet somehow managed to find their way onto the App Store). But it was after some browsing that I realized that having thousands upon thousands of apps was a GOOD thing.

What I’m experiencing with the Market is that I’m having a tough time finding applications that serve my needs because the selection is just not there. And even when I do find something that kind of does the job, there may not be an alternative that does it better or caters to the specifics I’m looking for.

What really hurts the most is the lack of interesting games. For my touch, I’ve downloaded over 200 applications and about a good 90% of them are games. I just can’t do the same with Android because there’s not much that catches my eye. What’s more is that even if there WAS something of interest, there is a good chance I already have downloaded it from the App Store. And given the lack of tablet-optimized apps, I’m not about to get a game again for the tablet if it’s not going to display properly.

Honestly, I purchased the Tab 10.1 mainly to be able to enjoy Kairosoft’s releases on that platform. Unfortunately, due to something that I’m still unsure about, all of their games EXCEPT Game Dev Story do not work well. (They’ll force close upon multi-touch/pinching or just FC eventually even without any attempt to zoom out.)

Aside from that, I’m still miffed at the fact that there is no TRUE AppShopper equivalent on Android. If someone can copy Cut the Rope, Angry Birds, and all those stupid freemium games where you sit around for hours and wait for special in-game money to roll in to enjoy the bloody games the way they were meant to be enjoyed, why can’t anyone copy AppShopper?

For me, AppBrain doesn’t cut it. On my iPod touch, I use the AppShopper app to keep a list of the apps that I want to buy. Any applications in the wish list will jump to the top of the list whenever there are updates or price changes — and this is something I really like.

Actually, if you marry AppBrain and Best Apps Market together, their offspring would probably be something similar to AppShopper as Best Apps lets you keep a wishlist. However, it doesn’t post notifications of any changes for the apps I want so I have to manually check if I want to see if there are any price drops. 9__9

Anyway, I’ll stop with the whining and get on with the list~! :3

  • AppShopper — Duh.
  • GarageBand — Yeah, I know this is an Apple-developed application so there is no way it’ll ever find its way onto Android. But I was stunned to discover there is nothing that comes close to what this program offers. (Or maybe I just don’t know what I should be looking for in the Market. Or perhaps I should be looking at another Android marketplace?)
  • Instagram — I’m probably just not searching hard enough but there are apparently several alternatives. I tried Picplz (I think I hated the Website and its presentation, and the way it handled photos and filters or something) and it was definitely no Instagram. Little Camera‘s interesting but it’s just a program with filters and doesn’t have it own social network.
  • Every damn Kairosoft game that’s currently iOS exclusive — It’s most likely a staffing issue or maybe Japan just loves iOS more but it’ll be really nice if Kairosoft would do simultaneous releases for both systems. Still, it doesn’t really explain why there are 4 games that are still sitting on Apple’s platform while Droid only has 2 exclusives.
  • Taiko no Tatsujin — With this one, I’m not sure I’d be able to download it anyway since it’d probably be Japan-exclusive. :/ Still, it’d be oodles of fun to be able to drum on the tablet~!

Ah, the list is kind of small since the remainder of it would consist of games that I already have on the touch but would just like to see on Android too. 😀 I might think of more later on though~!

You know, it’d be really nice if more of the big name gaming companies would publish their works on Google’s OS as well. Namco, Capcom, Square — they all have some sort of presence on the Market but it’s nothing compared to the App Store.

Cave is finally bringing over their stuff though which is FANTASTIC since it’d mean I can, hopefully (assuming there are no compatibility issues or freezing and such), play their shmups on a glorious 10.1″ display.

With Ice Cream Sandwich finding its way onto devices within the next few months, I’m really hoping that more developers would consider creating applications for Android. I believe demand is picking up for Android-powered devices so it’d be ideal that there will be supply in the Market to meet the demand.

games · iOS · Kairosoft

Oh! Edo Towns FAQs Change Log

I’m keeping a separate entry for all the revisions being made on the OET FAQ here to keep that post clean.

Sunday, October 28th, 2012

  • Removed direct link to Kairospot.

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

  • Kairospot user, macbony, came up with a great example for comboing around a Castle. I’ve included it under How do I raise total Yield?.

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

  • Brought over all the info from the Kairospot thread.
games · iOS · Kairosoft

Oh! Edo Towns FAQs

This is a mirror of the OET FAQs thread from Kairospot.  The flow is a tad different here since I have the questions arranged into categories. I decided to do this since I prefer to be able to find information quickly instead of needing to skim through a wall of text. (It’s really a shame that anchor links can’t be created within forum posts.)

Anyway, the anchor links are a little funky on WordPress since it’ll cut off the question a little when you jump to it. It’ll still land at the correct answer though. 😛

This is a work in progress so it’ll be updated as more people ask questions and additions are made to existing questions.

For what it’s worth, yes, I am nunuu at the forum. :3


Check the update/change log here.


How do I maintain profit? My funds keep going into the negatives!
How do I build over water?
How do I raise the total Yield?
How do I get more residents?
How many combos are there?
How many Crafts are there?
How do I get the White Horse?
How do I get the Car?

How do I unlock the Elekiter Shop?
How do I unlock [ name of facility/environmental object ]?
How do I unlock new Crafts?
How many travellers are there and how do I unlock them?

How come some people aren’t working? They just constantly hang around the Park/whine about having no money!
How many types of homes are there?
Why should I care about what type of house a resident lives in?
Why are none of my residents remodeling their houses anymore?


How do I maintain profit? My funds keep going into the negatives!
Here are several factors that could result in slow growth or deficit:

The distance of the Castle and Wholesalers AND shops. Are you making certain every resident can actually reach the places they need to go? You may need to build a stable that’s close enough to them so they could purchase a horse to get farther. Pay attention to those that are consistently crying about having no money and constantly going to a park. Those are signs that their workplace is too far.

Too many buildings too fast. Yeah, you can up commodity prices and Yield with combo stacking but you may want to make sure you can AFFORD to keep all those buildings. Most of the more expensive ones have higher maintenance fees.

Residents not upgrading homes. You WANT them to remodel because the better the home, the higher the property taxes. Upgrading will occur once a resident acquires enough money to do so. Specific roadways are also required for certain upgrades. Information about this can be found further down in this FAQ.

Keeping residents on the same jobs forever/having too many residents on low-income jobs. You WANT them to be become Vassals so get them to master all their jobs as quickly as you can. However, do ensure that there’s a balance of professions too. The Merchants are the money-makers. Warriors get research points and Yield quickly. The Vassals seem to be like a mix of the Merchants and Warriors. Don’t ignore Artisans though since they discover/invent crafts which also contribute to Yield once you start levelling the items.

And as mentioned in the previous point, residents will remodel their homes once they have enough money. Keeping them on certain jobs may prevent them from doing so as they will not be earning enough to meet the upgrade requirement.

Always remember that you can switch jobs at any time, regardless of their levels~! However, there is a bit of an exception with the Warrior profession in that you need the Farmer, Artisan and Merchant to be at level 5 before you can switch over to Warrior. (Can anyone confirm if people that move in as Warriors can switch back to being a Warrior even though the other jobs are not at level 5? ^^ I would think so but I’m not 100% sure.)

How do I build over water?
You can’t. You have to use the Remove option from the Env menu under Build to get rid of the water (re: Pond) tiles. However, doing this can be very costly early in the game as removing water costs 400G per tile.

How do I raise the total Yield?
Creating stack/chain combos is imperative in this game; that is, arranging structures in a way that combos overlap. The area of effect of a combo is rather large (about 5 x 5 squares, I think?) so it’s rather easy have a single store with at least 6 – 8 combos on it.

One of the best strategies is to combo around structures with a high Base Yield like a Castle or Sumo Ring. The Castle has an added bonus in that it will also raise the Yield of the structures around it.

Here’s an example from user, macbony:

Build the castle in the center of a 4×4 or larger space with a single path connecting the castle to the outer ring. Then you need to put the buildings most-used in combos closest to the castle and the “extra” buildings on the outside of the ring. Here’s an example:

Dumpl Sushi FireW StrwH Kimon
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Libra BathH Jizo. Tempu Medic ----- GrnGr
[ School. ] [ ....... ] Gener ----- PlumT
Udon. Hydra [ Castle. ] ----- ----- Pub
Soba. Buckt Bun.. StewC Rice. ----- Merch
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
..... Bean. Daibu Dumpl

That’s a setup I used in my most recent playthrough. It nets you: Snack, Sweet, Plum, Kamakura, Lunch, Noodle, Refresh, Cart, Medicine, Jizo, Rice, Mountain, Hangover, Study, Hairpin, Archive, Beauty, Fried, Edomae, and Healthy. That’s 20. I’m sure you can do more, but that’s what I got in the space I had. Now that I’ve played through I’m going to work on some layouts in a spreadsheet app to see how much further I can go.

Crafting is also a good source of Yield when you have research points to spare. In fact, if you’re low on funds and waiting for the next ranking or tax pool to come in, you can spend that time levelling up some crafts. However, it’s only recommended that you use this method if you know you can make back the research points quickly or else you’ll end up waiting for points even though you have the money to research and build things.

The intial level of a craft always gives the highest amount of Yield. Subsequent level ups produce a drastically reduced amount. Still, don’t dismiss the tinier amounts since every little bit counts.

Tree and plants also contribute to Yield so don’t necessarily count them out when it comes to building up your total.

How do I get more residents?
I’m not sure anyone knows a sure-fire recipe to get residents to move in quickly. It’s most likely based on the rank of the town in the national rankings as well as total yield. The number of combos and/or buildings may be a factor as well.

How many combos are there?
There are a total of 46 combos. See full list here.

How many Crafts are there?
Maybe 40 … if this graphic is accurate and doesn’t include stuff that doesn’t belong in the game:

Crafts from Oh! Edo Towns
Crafts from Oh! Edo Towns

How do I get the White Horse?
With extensive testing, Kairospot member, fiblo, has managed to figure out the conditions! Check out his post at

How do I get the Car?
It’s not 100% certain if the Import combo or just the Elekiter is needed near the Stables, but it seems like the chances of residents obtaining a car increases with the Import combo. Best thing to do is just place the combo right next to the Stables or as close as possible to it.

It should be noted that even though you’ve placed the structure or combo near the Stables, it may take a few years before anyone buys a car.


How do I unlock [ name of facility/environmental object ]?
At the present moment, we don’t have a list of unlock conditions for stores and plants. However, typical unlock conditions include reseaching and placing new buildings on the map, increasing your town’s rank in the national ranking, and increasing your total yield. The number of residents you have in your town may also play a part.

See complete list of buildings and environmental objects here.

How do I unlock the Elekiter Shop?
This building will unlock once your total Yield reaches 150,000.

How do I unlock new Crafts?
Place Wholesalers near stores. As I’m unsure how far it “detects” facilities, it’s recommended that you experiment a bit and perhaps place a Wholesaler near each new combo you create which involves facilities you previously haven’t placed on the map before.

How many travellers are there and how do I unlock them?
There are 12 traveller groups in total but the conditions to get them are sketchy at the moment. They’re quite possibly unlocked based on various situations. (I don’t believe they’re solely based on Total Yield milestones, building, or combo unlocks because Nicodemus82 said he never got the New Home Search Team while I did and we both had over 150,000 Yield and all facilities and combos. ^^)

Note that the game will inform you that a new traveller has been added to the Traveler List but they won’t show up immediately.

I’ll just include some notes I made while playing. Aside from the last two travellers, these may not be 100% accurate since I don’t know what, at the time, contributed to their appearance:

  • Elementary School Trip – available from start
  • Heartbreak Club – available from start
  • Ogre Vanquishing Tour – available from start
  • Nation-Wide Tour – unlocked when the Komon Combo is created?
  • Govt. Inspection Tour – unlocked when total Yield is greater than 50,000? (Maybe between 50,000 – 60,000? Thanks to Contax for the info.)
  • Ako Clan Samurai – I got these guys after I reached 30,000 Yield and unlocking the Samurai House (for research).
  • Friendship Alliance – unlocked after Edomae Combo is created?
  • Prince’s Secret Tour – ???
  • Pumpkin Products PR – unlocked from Traveler combo?
  • Gas Survey Tour – unlocked after obtaining the option to research the Elekiter Shop?
  • New Home Search Team – Have a total of 3 Zoos (anywhere on the map).
  • Kairobot’s Journey – unlocked after placing all 46 unique combos on the map and reaching 50 years.


How come some people aren’t working? They just constantly hang around the Park/whine about having no money!
A reason that residents aren’t making money is that they could be too far away from the Wholesaler, Castle, or field. The walking range of residents tends to be between 9 – 14 squares. Keep this in mind when you’re placing vacant lots on the map to ensure that they’re not far from a source of income.

A horse or a car will increase the maximum distance they can reach so invest in constructing a Stables or two when you get the chance. Note: walking range also factors into whether or not residents can purchase a horse so if the Stables are too far from their homes, they won’t be able to buy a mount.

How many types of homes are there?
There are 6 confirmed in total. See graphic below (and ignore the translations as this was compiled before the English release. I’m too lazy to redo the graphic):

Types of Homes in Oh! Edo Towns
Types of Homes in Oh! Edo Towns

For the first four types, the official translations are Hut, Thatched Hut, Thatched House, and Wooden House.

(The two on the right were included since they were found in the game archive. The Western castle appears in the iOS game, Zaibatsu Towns V, but the 2-story golden-coloured home is a mystery.)

Why should I care about what type of house a resident lives in?
At the beginning of every April, taxes are collected from your citizens. These taxes are based on the amount of Yield and type of home. The more “evolved” the home is, the higher the taxes. See the following list:

  • Hut – 30%
  • Thatched Hut – 40%
  • Thatched Hs. – 44%
  • Wooden Hs. – 48%
  • Mansion – 50%
  • Small Castle – 65%

Why are none of my residents remodeling their houses anymore?
House upgrades are based on savings (re: how much they have in their wallet) and the type of path near their houses.

In terms of paths, a Gravel Path is needed for both the Wooden House (dark brown house with black roof) and Mansion. To get the Small Castle, a Stone Path should be near the home.

Money-wise, here’s a list of when remodeling occurs:

  • Upgrade to Thatched Hut: 20G?
  • Upgrade to Thatched House: 30G?
  • Upgrade to Wooden House:
  • Upgrade to Mansion: 60G – 80G?
  • Upgrade to Small Castle: 80G – 100G?

For the most part, the profession the resident is in affects the amount of money they make which means that the Mansion and Small Castle are more likely obtainable by the Warrior and Vassal.

games · iOS · Kairosoft

Oh! Kairosoft!

Edit on November 10th, 2012: Removed all links to Kairospot threads because they no longer exist. Here’s why:

Been playing the heck out of Oh! Edo Towns (again) for the sake of contributing to the Kairospot forums.  Ironically, I won’t be the one handling the guide for the site. XD

Anyway, there’s a heap of info there already for anyone who’s stuck. We’ve got:

  • The Combo list
  • The Building list
  • Craft list
  • FAQ
  • Info and guide (more like discussions about the Japanese version. There’s 8 pages so far and most of it is on-topic so lots of reading material for everyone!)

Of course, we’re always looking for tips and fellow Kairosoft fans to talk to so if you haven’t registered already, please do! 😀

Oh yeah, the purpose of this post wasn’t to pimp my work and the forums but rather, to do a silly little bit of complaining~! Muhuhu!

I’ve noticed some minor errors here and there in the game and wanted to point them out. >:3

  • The descriptions for some of the Travelers in the Traveler List are cut off — i.e. the sentences don’t finish.
  • The Rice Shop shows that it will cause Appeal to deplete but people walk out of it with the “Skill Down” speech balloon above their heads instead.
  • Customers of the Camera Shop come out with a “Apl Down” speech balloon over their heads. I guess Kairosoft mixed up the Rice and Camera Shops.
  • If your taxes are the same as they are the previous year, the message is “The domain’s total Yield is the same as last year: < 1 > Let’s try to do better next year!”  I take it the < 1 > is supposed to call the previous Yield year’s value in the code.

Yeah, I guess we should be happy that they even put out a new game in English. XD

Also, I have a video to share! 😀