games · iOS

My iOS games

This is one of my most useless and spontaneous posts. I just took screenshots of the folders on my games home screen for the heck of things as an excuse to update this blog.

Here they are.

Honestly, I could probably uninstall literally 70% of them since I only play a handful. ^^ Oh, before I forget to mention, my iPad mini is jailbroken which is why I can cram so many more icons into a single folder than normal. 😛 For what it’s worth, I’m using FolderEnhancer to achieve that.

Actually, let’s add some substance! I’ll list and write about the ones that I actually load up and spend quality time with these days. Sadly, not all of them are really considered worthwhile. XD

Continue reading “My iOS games”

Android · games · iOS

Why do so many freemium puzzle game RPG hybrids look and play the same?

After having played Puzzle & Dragons since its introduction into the mobile gaming scene 2 years ago, I’ve tried out quite a few of its direct clones as well as those inspired by it. (If you don’t know what Puzzle & Dragons (PAD) is, it’s one of the most renown games on iOS and Android in Japan. Click on the link in the first sentence to go to the official English home page for more details.)

Honestly, I’m not even sure PAD was the first that got the ball rolling on the Bejeweled-like puzzle RPG genre but it’s the benchmark I use. Anyway, I think the obvious answer to the question is “anything like PAD will sell”. It’s the same deal with many other popular games.

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